O mně

Pacific Reef Famous Gold - Lucky

Sequins Soroush (Nl) - Kind of Magic Famous Gold

*01. 05. 2020

DKK: A/A, DLK: 0/0, OCD neg.

GR_PRA1, PRA2 - clear, PRA-prcd - clear, ECVO 2023, 2024 - clear, GRMD - Xn/Y clear, ICT A - carrier

Plnochrupý/Full dentition, Skus nůžkový/Scissor bite

Kohoutková výška/Withers height 60cm


Czech Beauty Champion

Champion of Hungary

Show Champion of Hungary

Champion of Poland

Champion of Romania

Champion of Germany (VDH)

Champion of Croatia

Champion of Austria

Slovak Beauty Champion

International Champion FCI C.I.B., C.I.E.

Čekatel/Pending confirmation for tittles:

Champion  IT

Czech Retriever Club Champion

Czech Working Champion

Grand Champion HU

Show Champion HR

2* BOS


2* Res.CACIB (HU, HR)


3* Vítěz třídy

43* CAC (CZ, SK, PL, HU, RO, D, HR, AU)

10* Res.CAC (CZ, HU)

3* Best Working Dog

1* BIS 3 Working Dog

2* BIS 1 Working Dog

Crufts 2024 RESERVE (4th place)

Czech Retriever Club Best Show Dog 2023 - 2nd place


OVVR (Basic hunting test) - Plný počet bodů

KZVP (Water work trial for retrievers)

4x II. cena/ II. prize

2x I.cena/ I. prize

KPZ (Autumn field work trial for retrievers)

2x II. cena/ II. prize

1x I. cena/ I. prize CACT

1x Winner of KPZ

2x I. cena/I. prize

KLZ (Forest work trial for retrievers)

1x I. cena/ I. prize

Lovecky upotřebitelný pes

International working certificate/Mezinárodní pracovní certifikát

Pending confirmation for tittles:

Czech Working Champion

ZZO (Obedience test)

Canisterapeutický pes/Therapy dog

ZZO (Obedience test)

Canisterapeutický pes/Therapy dog

© 2023 Pacific Reef Famous Gold-Lucky Všechna práva vyhrazena.
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